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Basira Hosseini

Varför sökte du till barnmorskeprogrammet?  Jag ville arbeta med den friska människan och samtidigt ha möjlighet att arbeta internationellt.Vad var ditt mål med utbildningen? Målet var att få arbeta utomlands, vilket jag har gjort och ska göra i Dubai. I framtiden skulle jag vilja arbeta med ultraljudsundersökningar, eftersom det är ett mycket självständigt arbete. Är du nöjd med ditt utbildningsv - 2025-03-15

Mirjam Katzin, doktorand i juridik

“Jag vill kunna påverka och förändra samhället“ Mirjam Katzin är doktorand på juridiska fakulteten vid Lunds universitet. ”Jag har fria arbetstider och planerar själv mitt arbete. Det innebär förstås mycket egenansvar, men det är det värt! Jag uppskattar också att omges av människor som, liksom jag, brinner mycket för vad de gör och kan vara lika nördigt hängivna!” – Jag vill kunna påverka och för - 2025-03-15


Work full time with your business idea Financial support for students in Skåne & Blekinge. The application for Leapfrogs 2025 is now closed! Leapfrogs 2025 Info & Application Tips Want to apply to the Leapfrogs 2025 program? Join our digital info session on February 7th, 2025, from 12:00–13:00. We’ll cover essential details, answer your questions, offer insider tips and supply you with the documen - 2025-03-15

About Leapfrogs

Leapfrogs: Elevate Your Business Project to the Next LevelFunding OpportunityLeapfrogs offers a unique opportunity for financial support, specifically designed to help you advance your business project. If you have moved beyond the initial idea stage and are ready to verify and scale your concept, Leapfrogs is here to assist!What We OfferA grant of 40,000 SEK for dedicated work on your business pr - 2025-03-15


How to ApplyEligibility RequirementsTo apply for Leapfrogs 2025, you must:Your project should have:A developed business hypothesis.Completed market research.Engaged in initial customer interactions.Be engaged with the innovation department at your university:This means you have had an initial meeting with a coach at your university.Application ProcessEngage with your innovation departmentFor Lund - 2025-03-15


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)Q: How do I apply for Leapfrogs?A: To apply for Leapfrogs, you need to be actively engaged with LU Innovation and be in the right phase of your project. The application process is managed through your designated coach at LU Innovation. If you are not yet in contact with us, please book a meeting to get started.Q: What if I'm a student at HKR or BTH?A: Students at Kr - 2025-03-15


E-mailcoaching [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] seVisit usLunds universitetSektionen Forskning, Samverkan och InnovationLU InnovationMedicon VillageScheeletorget 1, LundProject leaderNicolas Arriagada, Innovation developer, LU InnovationE-mail: Nicolas [dot] arriagada [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] se Contact us Questions? We are happy to help you!coaching [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] se (coaching - 2025-03-15

Leapfrogs 2024

Discover what our 2024 Leapfrogs participants valued most from the program.  "The Leapfrogs program this year opened incredible doors to essential entrepreneurial networks, particularly through the connections made at MINC. The atmosphere fostered collaboration, which will be key for my future growth." - Anonymous"Financially, Leapfrogs was a game-changer. It allowed me to dedicate my summer fully - 2025-03-15

Mentorship program

Empowering tomorrow’s entrepreneurs The Leapfrogs Mentorship Program has been created as an extension of our established coaching support to provide student entrepreneurs with tailored, one-on-one guidance from experienced professionals. This initiative is designed to complement existing financial support, coaching, and training - offering personalized mentorship of experienced entrepreneurs.For s - 2025-03-15

Mentorship program

Discover what our 2024 Leapfrogs participants valued most from the program.  "The Leapfrogs program this year opened incredible doors to essential entrepreneurial networks, particularly through the connections made at MINC. The atmosphere fostered collaboration, which will be key for my future growth." - Anonymous"Financially, Leapfrogs was a game-changer. It allowed me to dedicate my summer fully - 2025-03-15

Gender and Politics Research Group

This group brings together lecturers and researchers who think of gender as a central analytical lens through which power, institutions, norms and identities should be studied. Gender is increasingly prominent in research and teaching within the Department of Political Science. The members of our group approach gender politics from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives. A number - 2025-03-15

Local Government in a Comparative Perspective

STVC75 – Bachelor course in Political science (7.5 credits). This course focuses on local politics and administration in democratic systems in a comparative perspective. The course includes web-based elements in collaboration with other European universities. Empirically, the approach is a comparative perspective on the organizing principles and primary activities of the local public sector as wel - 2025-03-15

The Department’s Higher Research Seminar Series

Spring 2025 The Higher Research Seminar is the main collective seminar of the Department. The research staff and invited national and international leading scholars present ongoing research and analyses of a broad range of exciting topics of relevance for Political Science. The Higher Research Seminar is held on Wednesdays 13.15 to 14.30 in Eden 367, unless otherwise indicated. PhD Mid-term semina - 2025-03-15

LUCC - Breast and Imaging & nuclear medicine/radiology: Retreat

20 March 2025 11:00 to 21 March 2025 13:00 | Other Dear LUCC-Breast & Imaging & nuclear medicine/radiology: network:If you are interested in joining a working group for the LUCC Breast retreat scheduled for March 20-21 2025 (SAVE THE DATE), please do not hesitate to contact Lao or Ida.More information will be posted as soon as it becomes availible - the time points are preliminary and might be sub - 2025-03-15

LUCC - Nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care: network meeting

6 May 2025 13:00 to 16:00 | Meeting Welcome to a LUCC half day meeting in nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care.LUCC - Nursing, Rehabilitation and Palliative Care - Theme psychometrics and health economicsResponsible persons: Cecilia Follin & Sixten BorgMore information will be posted as soon as it becomes availableWelcomeMarlene Malmström (Marlene [dot] Malmstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se) - 2025-03-15

LUCC - Nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care: PhD seminar & supervisor

22 April 2025 14:30 to 16:00 | Meeting Welcome to a LUCC meeting in nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care.LUCC - Nursing, Rehabilitation and Palliative Care - PhD seminar together with supervisorsResponsible persons: Cecilia De Carvalho & Sofia PerssonMore information will be posted as soon as it becomes availableWelcomeMarlene Malmström (Marlene [dot] Malmstrom [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se) - 2025-03-15

LUCC - Gastrointestinal - Colorectal

4 April 2025 12:00 to 14:00 | Seminar Lund University Cancer Centre colorectal invites toA research seminar presentation bridging clinical and preclinical studiesWhen: 2024-04-04 kl  12-14Where: Skånes Universitetssjukhus Kirurgens biblioteket plan , Carl-Bertil Laurells gata 9Online: followed by discussion.Lunch will be served.Cordially welcome!Pame - 2025-03-15

LUCC@MV Seminar

8 April 2025 13:30 to 14:30 | Seminar LUCC@MV SeminarTuesday 8 april 2025; 13.30 - 14.30Medicon Village, Inspira Building - Auditorium, Scheeletorget 1, Lund Gaetano Gargiulo, Max Delbrück Center, Berlin"Cell States in Glioblastoma"  About the eventLocation:Medicon Village, Inspira building - Auditorium, Scheeletorget 1, lundContact:johanna [dot] verngren [at] med - 2025-03-15

Innovation & Collaboration

- Implementation: Efficiently translating research findings into patient and societal benefit A crucial aim for LUCC is to enable a more efficient implementation of research findings into clinical practice and in generating innovations for sustainable growth. Importantly, LUCC provides support to facilitate the transition of basic research findings into clinical trials and clinical practice, as we - 2025-03-15


LUCC supports and promotes innovation LUCC work on the commercialization of cancer research in collaboration with LU Innovation. We identify and evaluate commercially viable projects together with researchers, as well as facilitate and support the process from idea to company formation or licensing.Innovation support needed?LUCC Innovation Manager Cecilia Jädert can help you to develop your resear - 2025-03-15