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Klimatförändringar – digital lärresurs

Årskurs: 7-9, Gymnasiet En digital undervisningssekvens (på norska) för att lära sig om klimatets fysik och träna på att delta i samtal om klimatförändringar samt bidra till att hitta lösningar. Materialet har utvecklats av Naturfagsenteret, CICERO Senter for klimaforsking, NAROM og Utdanningsetaten i Oslo.  Ta del av lärresursen om klimatförändringar på Naturfagsenterets hemsida (ny flik) - 2024-11-17

Expedition till Mars

Årskurs: 4-6, 7-9, Gymnasiet Undervisningsmaterialet om en rymdexpedition till Mars har översatts och bearbetats av NRCF utifrån det brittiska originalet ”Mars Mission Debate Kit”. Detta debattunderlag har framgångsrikt använts av elever i åldrarna 11-18 år. Materialet innehåller åtta rollkort, detaljerad lektionsplanering med mera. Fråga Borde vi skicka en mänsklig rymdexpedition till Mars? Intro - 2024-11-17

Rotera mera

Årskurs: 7-9, Gymnasiet Ämnesområde: Kraft och rörelse Om hur konståkare, simhoppare och gymnaster sätter snurr på tillvaron. Du har säkert sett en konståkare göra piruetter på isen. Genom att dra in armar och ben mot kroppen kan hen snabbt öka sin rotationshastighet. Du kan själv experimentera kring detta med hjälp av en vanlig kontorsstol och något tungt i händerna som till exempel tegelstenar. - 2024-11-17

LjUVa sol!

Årskurs: F-3, 4-6 Ämnesområde: Ljus och ljud Med hjälp av så kallade UV-pärlor kan man testa hur effektiva olika solskydd är. Vi kan inte se solens ultravioletta strålar (UV-strålar) men vi märker att de finns där eftersom vi blir solbrända. Med UV-pärlor kan man direkt avgöra var UV-strålarna finns, och hur man skyddar sig mot dem på bästa sätt. Material Två eller flera olika sorters solkräm. En - 2024-11-17

Blinda fläcken

Årskurs: 4-6, 7-9 Ämnesområde: Ljus och ljud   Ögats näthinna reagerar på det ljus som kommer in i ögat. Näthinnan skickar signaler till hjärnan, detta är att se. Det finns emellertid delar av näthinnan som inte ger dig någon syninformation. Detta är ögats blinda fläck. Med hjälp av nedanstående experiment kan du räkna ut storleken på den blinda fläcken, visa att den finns och hur hjärnan kompense - 2024-11-17

Ljusets inverkan på pupillen

Årskurs: 4-6, 7-9 Ämnesområde: Ljus och ljud Din pupill ändrar storlek för att reglera hur mycket ljus som kommer in i ögat. I det här experimentet kan du se hur pupillen ändrar storlek när belysningen ändras. Du kan också se hur ljus som lyser in i det ena ögat påverkar det andra ögats pupillstorlek. Material Ett förstoringsglas (minst 2,5 centimeter i diameter). En spegel (minst 10x10 centimeter - 2024-11-17

Geographical Information Systems - Introduction 1

GISA23 online 7,5 Credits The course is a freestanding course that is given as an introduction to the subject. Together with the course GISA24 (7.5 credits) the course provides an entry to further studies in the area geographical information science. The course is given as distance-learning via the internet at 100 % or 50 % study pace. Course contentThe aim of the course is to give basic theoretic - 2024-11-17

Remote Sensing for Landscape Studies

NGEA03 Course contents This will teach you remote sensing, that is, the use of aerial photographs to collect information about landscapes and environment. We will focus on how to analyze aerial photographs. By doing so, we can detect a wide range of features depending on the film emulsion used, e.g. black and white, normal colour and infra-red. The course covers the theoretical aspects of aerial p - 2024-11-17

Geographical Information Systems - Introduction 2

GISA24 distance 7,5 credits The course is a freestanding online course that is given as an introduction to the subject. In combination with the course GISA23 (7.5 credits) the course provides entry to further studies in the area geographic information science. Course contentThe aim of the course is to, together with the knowledge that has been acquired in the course GISA23, give supplementary basi - 2024-11-17

Improved model for monitoring CO2 emissions

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 6 December 2021 Photo credit: Thomas Millot, Unsplash Researchers have investigated the possibilities of independent, global monitoring of fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions globally based on satellite observations. This would improve the quality of the monitoring compared to today, which is built on individual re - 2024-11-17

Award-winning thesis combines remote sensing and botany

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 9 December 2021 Dr. Oskar Löfgren, who works interdisciplinary between remote sensing and botany to understand plant communities and their ecology, has been awarded for his thesis. "Plants can provide an overall picture of the habitat's characteristics that physically measured environmental variables cannot. Analyzi - 2024-11-17

Awarded for popular science article

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 17 December 2021 Frans-Jan Parmentier setting up monitoring equipment in the valley of Adventdalen on the Svalbard archipelago (photo: Carline Tromp). Associate Professor Frans-Jan Parmentier has been awarded in Norway for his article about climate and permafrost. Our researchers continue to recieve awards (see prev - 2024-11-17

Primary forest project

A project on the states and changes in Swedish primary forests Primary forests are forests with minimal direct human impact. Nowadays these forests are rare relics in the landscape that tell a valuable tale of how our ecosystems would have looked in the absence of land use. This page describes our work on primary forests over time, activities and publications. Mapping primary forests in Sweden In - 2024-11-17

Congratulations Margareta Johansson...

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 11 February 2022 Margareta Johansson, here doing field work on a mire in northern Sweden ...who has been nominated by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) to be the Swedish representative in the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Cryosphere working group. The scientific core elements of IASC are - 2024-11-17

Agricultural hotspots may move in a future climate

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 23 February 2022 High-yield food production is concentrated today in certain geographical areas, so-called "breadbaskets". But what will happen to these areas in a warmer climate? To secure food production during climate change, adapted strategies may be needed. If global warming continues, food producers may need t - 2024-11-17

Plan your programme studies

Guide to choosing and applying for courses Every semester you must apply for the courses you will study next semester. It is very important to apply for your spring courses in the autumn application opening, and for your autumn courses in spring, at the given dates. Apply online at Remember to log in as a programme studentYou log in to the or an - 2024-11-17

Digital maps of tomorrow improve how we find our way

By marianne [dot] loor [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Marianne Loor) - published 4 April 2022 Finding your way and navigating around cities is not always easy. New digital maps that have a better overview can help you move more smoothly from point A to point B. Many of us have digital maps at our fingertips in our smartphones, but these maps are not adapted to guide us when walking or finding our way - 2024-11-17

The war has put a stop to climate projects in the Arctic

By ricardo [dot] guillen [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Ricardo Guillén) - published 11 April 2022 Researcher Margareta Johansson, Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, har been part of the global permafrost monotoring research. Margareta Johansson, researcher at our department, was interviewed about climate projects that have been put on hold after collaborations with state institutio - 2024-11-17

Ecosystems Analysis

NGEA04 Course contents By taking this course you will increase your understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes or events that link organisms and their environment. Through a combination of lectures and exercises you will gain both theoretical and practical understanding of ecosystems and ecosystem analysis. You will learn about ecosystem processes, ecosystem-atmosphere exchan - 2024-11-17

Increased carbon dioxide release from ecosystems despite of negative temperature trends

By susanna [dot] olsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Susanna Olsson) - published 12 April 2022 Despite cooling, net autumn release of carbon dioxide from ecosystems have increased, according to research from an international research group. The results come from a large study of ecosystems in North America and Eurasia, which since 2004 have had a decreasing temperature trend in the autumn, despi - 2024-11-17